10/23 (三) 07:08
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主任信箱 Director's Email


Dear friends:

  1. 針對旅客經常提到的問題,本站已匯集成旅客問答集FAQ,建置於本站首頁 >旅客服務 > 旅客問答集FAQ,敬請參閱。
    We have compiled an FAQ for frequently mentioned questions from travelers; you can find it in tags "interaction" on our English version website.
  2. 為了有效運用政府行政資源,請您對來信的內容先予以確認,凡無具體內容、同一事由經予適當處理並已明確答覆後仍再陳情者、惡意攻訐謾罵等,本站將不予受理。特別提醒您,如有涉及毀謗、誣告及冒用他人信箱等,發表言論者將負相關法律責任。
    Kindly be reminded to confirm the content when you leave the message, vague and general or repetitive content will be rejected. Slander, false allegation, or fraudulent use of another mailbox will assume legal responsibility.
  3. 為避免權責單位回覆信件無法傳送給您,或信箱因遭人盜用所衍生出不必要爭議,本系統將於您填寫資料送出後寄送一封驗證信函,請至您所提供之電子郵件信箱點選方完成確認作業。
    To prevent the reply letter sent to you unsuccessfully, the system will send a verification letter after you submit your message, please find it in the mailbox and click the link to complete.
  4. 為確保主任信箱功能正常運作,以維護民眾之權益,上傳附件檔案內容上限為2MB;若您欲寄送較大之附件,請您於信件內容中留下您的聯絡方式(姓名、電話及Email),我們將由專人與您聯繫。
    Upload files are up to 2 MB in size, please leave contact information (name, Phone, and Email) if you want to post larger attachment, and we will contact you soon.
  5. 您的意見或建議俟交付權責單位妥慎處理後,依規定應在期限內回覆。您可利用已驗證過的查詢編號,查詢案件辦理進度。
    Your comments or suggestions will be replied in time limit, and you can also use the inquiry number to check the progress of the case.
  6. 為了解您對本站權責單位回覆處理情形之滿意度,歡迎於回覆函內點選連結網址填寫問卷調查表,以作為本站改進參考。
    To understand your satisfaction within the response, please click the link in the reply letter and fill out the questionnaire as a reference for improvement.
‧服務電話:(06)9971256 ‧傳真電話:(06)9971229
‧地 址:88341澎湖縣七美鄉平和村55號 ‧電子信箱 : chimay.rccm@msa.hinet.net主任信箱
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